Title: Worlds Apart Challenge: It looks like the Refusal challenge is still running due to LJ's technical difficulties, but it doesn't have to be counted for house points. Words: 100 House: Ravenclaw Characters: The sorting hat and a Muggle-born named Laurel Rating: G Notes: A sort of AU to my earlier drabble And Meanwhile In Surrey,
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Title: And Meanwhile In Surrey Challenge: Refusal Words: 100 House: Ravenclaw Characters: A Muggle family Notes: Surely there must be some Muggle-born wizards who choose not to go to Hogwarts ... uncut version at hp100uncutAfter the woman with the square glasses left, Laurel turned to her parents. "What should I do
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Title: A Life Less Ordinary House: Ravenclaw Words: 100 Characters, pairings: Argus Filch's family A/N: Hopefully it's clear what's "hard" here
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Title: In the Genes Author: celeria Words: 100 House: Ravenclaw Characters Hermione's parents and younger sister Rating: PG Notes: This drabble grew out of my complaining about the newest revelations on JKR's website, in particular the bit about magical ability being a dominant and resilient gene. (Is this a spoiler? Let me know if I should cut it
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Title: Where Your Loyalties Lie Challenge: Redemption Words: 100 House: Ravenclaw Characters: Wormtail, implied Voldemort Rating: G Notes: Set during GoF. This may be perhaps not the kind of redemption you had in mind
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Title: Law and Order House: Ravenclaw Words: 100 Characters, pairings: A Muggle lawyer, judge, and man, and Dumbledore A/N: I hope this is close enough to the form of "law" you had in mind
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Title: Quiet Words: 100 House: Ravenclaw Challenge: 12 Grimmauld Place Characters/Pairings: Hermione/Ginny Notes: R-ish. Cut for a tiny bit of girlslash.